Δευτέρα 23 Ιουνίου 2008

10 διάσημες ατάκες...

...από χαρακτήρες τραγουδιών:

I'm actually very much convinced that everything glittering is in fact gold.
-The Lady

My loony bun is fine.
-Benny Lava

John, go do my will.

I've lost control again...

We are all just prisoners here, and of our own device if I may add.
-The Captain

Come on Eric Adams, I'm waving you on.
-The Fallen One, standing in flames.

Don't be afraid, I'll give you immortality and grace for your soul.
-The First angel

I don't care.

I have come to be your transformer.
-The Goat

Δέκα φράγκα κάνει, στο αφήνω εφτά.
-Ένας γέρος έμπορος στο Αλγέρι

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