Παρασκευή 30 Οκτωβρίου 2009


Beckoned the dreams came rustling down our alleys
And sang of different spheres and vistas yet unknown
Some say they only shone for a small instance
Like candles lit to ward against the storm
Others were blinded
From not so close a distance.

The Burning Man said that he felt the heat
From what was once a history of frost
He raised his hands above his head and cried "behold"
Some say that they held cinders; others, ash
Others saw nothing
And some were granted gold.

The Gilded Woman said that she had seen
The billion lines that glide the stars in place
She said that every drop of moist was universe's stain
Some say she learned the words that weave a secret
Others say that she went to sleep
To dream once more of things arcane.

The Man of Snow said that he slept along
Swallowing dreams and seams and glitters
He bent his lips and wiped his mouth
Some say he hadn't dreamed that night at all
While others say he dried or disappeared
Midst the warm seasons of the south.

The Earthen Man fell on his knees and muttered
Muttered of men that dig and burrow in the clouds
And know the shape of forests and the mute abyss
Some say he died of sorrow watching seagulls
Others say that he merely fell asleep
For every fall is gravity's dry kiss.

The Crone Man sealed his lips and looked away
Towards the places hidden from the sons of life
He walked away until all walking ground diminished
Some say he rises with the silent sun on Tuesdays
Others say that he has found the End
Yet meeting it once finished.

The God of Men sliced open the great smog
And drops of mercury besieged the roofs of cities
He part his jaw and the sky thundered
Some say to make forget, others say to destroy
And some still think he was just sad
For only children dreamt of joy.

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